We have implemented two PDM systems in past, namely Pro Engineer Intralink (pre-Windchill) & SolidWorks PDMW Enterprise 2010. Once again the KISS principle is paramount to a successful implementation of a database. Data release control in a multi-user environment can severely slow the development process if a system is poorly implemented.
We have implemented two PDM systems in past, namely Pro Engineer Intralink (pre-Windchill) & SolidWorks PDMW Enterprise 2010. Once again the KISS principle is paramount to a successful implementation of a database. Data release control in a multi-user environment can severely slow the development process if a system is poorly implemented. Well executed PDM systems should not slow development significantly, while still providing good revision control. We are happy to discuss PDM implementation philosophy or provide consulting services to assist in your thinking if you are planning to go down this route.
Clients have included: Fisher & Paykel, and SwashPump Technologies.